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Choosing a Custom Injection Molding Company: 3 Must-Haves

The constant and widespread problems in the plastics industry have caused a certain degree of fear. plastic manufacturer is in the hands of broken supply chains while solutions that can help resins, services and delivery aren’t always easily accessible.

The global chaos that has been caused by these largely unanticipated events is obvious. It’s also instructive regards to how important it is to work with a skilled custom injection molder to deal with crises and every day problems.


1. The Nuances

The reputation earned by injection molding experts has many facets. Engineering, design tools and quality control, as well as quality control, customer support — all contribute to the equation. Molders are not all able to be able to handle each of them, however, the molders who are, such as Topworks can provide rapidity, accuracy and a thorough approach to problem solving.


Customers are faced with a variety of mold challenges, some of which are related to the current crisis in the industry as well as others due to poor performance of partnerships between molders. The supply chain is one of the most significant obstacles, however this doesn’t mean that there aren’t any issues that an OEM trying to meet strict tolerances or to maintain consistent quality.


Topworks has decades of real-world expertise in injection molding however, how we apply this expertise sets us apart as real experts. Our in-house team is comprised of designers and engineers who are skilled in the selection of materials and their behaviors and advanced testing protocols and the design of tools. Along with a quality control team that runs inside a lab that is equipped with advanced inspection equipment as well as extensive tests capabilities. Topworks offers the technology capabilities to think in a broad way and collaborate to solve customer problems.


2. Communication

There’s never a simple solution to issues with low volume injection molding and there shouldn’t be. Some customers may face a stumbling block due to resin shortages. Also, managing costs could be challenging. Parts could be off the mark.


It’s essential to spend the time to identify the root of the issue prior to coming up with an answer. Topworks actively communicates with its clients, and promotes transparency and integrity. Our highly skilled engineers and material experts are on hand throughout a project to provide advice as well as work with suppliers and assist customers in decisions. Regular meetings are held to ensure that forecasted priorities are fulfilled.


However, communication doesn’t just begin and end with a plan. Topworks offers unbeatable buying and service teams which make sure that all the details are in order starting from the beginning as well as after the sale.



The ability to work with a client is an indication of a skilled injection molder. The collaborative use of the injection molding knowledge and fluid communication are the foundation of the efforts and result. This also allows for the flexibility.


If the shortage of resin and the ensuing disruptions to the industry have been able to teach us anything we can learn, it’s the importance of being flexible. Refraining from an unreliable process gives you the opportunity to address customers where they are with the issue and assist them to come up with the solution. The ability to react promptly and efficiently distinguishes injection molders from molders and their partners in molding.


Topworks plastic products supplier has built relationships with a wide customer basethat only improves our communications practices, and our ability to be flexible. Our clients have trusted us to come up with solutions that don’t just are effective, but also help improve their business.